JUL-626 | I Heard My Wife's Voice Over The Phone When Talking To My Friend... Marina Saito

JUL-626 | I Heard My Wife's Voice Over The Phone When Talking To My Friend... Marina Saito
Label: Madonna
Director: Unicorn Fukuda

At the beginning of the new marriage, my wife was humming almost every day, but recently she has been humming and the number of SEX has decreased and the number of humming has also decreased. Such a wife is humming for the first time in a few years while washing in the kitchen. Apparently, she's in a good mood lately, and her wife's humming was pleasant to me. One day, while I was on the phone with her best friend, I heard her wife's humming over the phone. Normally, the humming that should be comfortable sounds like a flirtatious news ...


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