JUQ-027 | When I went to the health room, I was drowning in SEX with a beautiful girl in the school, Mr. Obana, both during class and after school. Small flower

JUQ-027 | When I went to the health room, I was drowning in SEX with a beautiful girl in the school, Mr. Obana, both during class and after school. Small flower
Label: Madonna

I had poor grades and my friendship didn't go well, so I decided to go to the health room. Mr. Obana, a nursing teacher, did not give up on me who was rough, and she became kind and taught her study. At the same time as I spent more time alone with Mr. Obana, I fell in love with her teacher and was nailed to her loose chest and black pantyhose peeking through her skirt every day. And one day, I couldn't control my reason and attacked the teacher. Because I'm a virgin, the teacher gently grasps my crotch if I can't blame him well ...


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